Monday, February 9, 2015 7:00 PM
St. Bernadette Catholic Church
1028 SW 128th Street, Seattle, WA 98146

Works of Mercy: feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, instructing the ignorant, comforting the sorrowful, and bearing wrongs patiently.

Mr. Mark Shea, a local theologian, author, and speaker, will help us understand how incorporating all of the works of mercy can deepen our spiritual life and enrich our Lenten journey. 

Mark Shea is a double-jump convert, raised as an agnostic, he became a non-denominational Evangelical in 1979 and then converted to Catholicism in 1987. Mark keeps busy writing his “Connect the Dots” column for the National Catholic Register, and his blog on Patheos. He is the author of several books and magazine articles. He has been heard on radio shows and seen on television. He tours the country and the world presenting sound Catholic theology in an accessible way. To learn more about Mark, visit his website:         www.mark-shea.com.

Presentation will be held in the church. There is no admission fee. Donations of canned food gratefully accepted for the St. Bernadette conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.


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