Hurting Feet and 32 years of Blessings

FYI: Just a couple days a week posts will be a more doable goal I think. Sunday or Monday & 'mid-week,' Nevertheless,  here is a composite post. re: Tiredness & some more about my history.

So, I DO KNOW when to quit working. I decide, remind myself to care for my health, then 10 minutes (OK 30) later, I'm still standing here on hurting feet, squinting now (took glasses off when I told myself to stop earlier). Y, I walked away & took a break, lay down for a 15 minute rest that turned into an hour and a half nap.
Tom does Not approve of Camera. 
I feel so much better after a rest, yet I am still upset somehow that I need it. (It is Extra isn't it? to Nap is to be weak maybe?)
 It's been, .. UM let's see, 1985, that would be.... 32!
 32 years I've been 'only' tired. 
Before they removed the tumour, I got to be tired with nausea and dizzy spells and seizures and mood swings. (OK so maybe the mood swings didn't entirely go away, I am me after all. ) LOLL..

32... YEARS.. of blessings. I'm alive, relatively healthy,

SELF Deprecation is always the next step when I feel like I should do more. I'm lazy, I'm... whatever Du Jour, .. Today I'm looking at, distract able, angry and impatient. Doing this blog post rather than looking up information I started to , The browser tab is open, but not working that tab, But this "feels more needy" right now. OMG - TMI that is.
Tom helps with distraction factor. 

I realize that in order to post regularly I need to have several drafts in the queue. I take much more than 5 minutes typically, plus, "distractions" happen.
My plan of action is typically not linear, nor much of a plan. However, we are warm & safe & dry, content. Marty says: "Good enough for who it is for", an insult turned into an acceptance or gratitude for what we have perhaps.

Well rested overnight, begin day with vitamins, coffee and 500 MG for the "minor" stiffness & aches. Lets see.... to do list...uh....preview/post!

#myfeet at Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center


The older I get, the more I meet people, the more convinced I am that we must only work on ourselves, to grow in grace. The only thing we can do about people is to love them – Dorothy Day


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