Mom's Broken Way....

Cut & paste to the FB drainhole. 
So, I've been praying about whether or not to begin writing again.   I'd appreciate your opinion.  Is it too much self-focus? or should I try again? 
I have two pages still up:

May 2017 was month of reflection and joyfully seeing the NW spring break into summer.
FyhriGarden had lovely weather for beginning of 🔥 fire ring. Don't think they sunburned themselves much.
The quote below from Broken Way author, speaks to me as a caregiver. I wasn't a calm or patient Mom., I feel somewhat a failure for being unable to improve much while caring for hubby.

"You wanted to be more patient — you wanted to never lose it, to always have it together, to keep calm and that is all, always, — and yeah, take their tantrums with a grain of salt instead of throwing one of yours that turned out to be a first class tsunami and a tad bit more dramatic than theirs....... "  Ann Voscamp.

New Chapters since then... widowhood, financial asset and estate manager, Covid lockdown survivor, spiritual depths of pain and sorrow confronted... (So much, but so little I can do or say about this, no words left)

Prayers and Peace to you. Thanks for reading. 


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