
Showing posts from June, 2017

CRS Philippines. Awesome

Marty's great focus on living minimally Tom willing  to  go with  me. to give excess to God's work  is a definite  benefit for me. I've been able to travel to Guatemala and now to Philippines. Getting  ready  to  go  was more  stressful  than the flight there. A week  of education  and  experience  has been  an  amazing  time .  I'm  pretty  much  overwhelmed  by  the  love  and  compassion  I saw  embodied  in CRS  projects. I'm  grateful  as well, for  the  people  who  are  committed  to working  with  those who  are  struggling  in these  challenges. I was exhausted  but  extremely  blessed  to  be  able  to  see  the  groundbreaking  ceremony  for  the  Anibong resettlement project...

Farmers Market & Trip Planning

Farmers Market Burien Opened  May 4th 2017 thru October.  That will be our "event of the day" I am sometimes anxious over the surprising (Still!) difficulties that occur during our daily routines, and then a special event / day is upon us, and I have to plan ahead, to prepare for a seemingly simple task. Circus for Jesus . . Remember  Royal Lichtenstein ?   Nick Weber book promo **plus  I'm  easily  sidetrack ? * SNIP - TMI * I've  been  reading  about  traveling   Here , most recently . seems  to  be a good  launching  point  for many questions , or well, sometimes  just validation  of my feelings .  is very good  but I've  recently  been  too busy  to  read that in  depth  information. Trip Planning lately can be as simple as a prayer and a note to remind him where I've gott...

Jesus' Farewell Discourse - What's That?

John 14-17, HERE    😐 This  part  of  the  Gospel  is referred  to  as farewell  discourse  at times .  Jesus  speaking  in Jerusalem  just  before  his  passion .  I sometimes  dive into a  deeper  level .  This  particular  case, I  need  to  study  slowly  and  with input  from  scholarly  sources especially  Saint  Thomas  Aquinas. I found  this  great  source    HERE: John 14  ( translated by Fabian R. Larcher, O.P.)  includes : " there is a troubled state which arises from reason; this is to be praised and is not forbidden: "For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation" . Yet there is a different grief or troubled state of the reason itself; this is not laudable because it draws the reason from its proper course; this is forbidden:..." I am...

Prayer before Internet access / Pentecost

I've re-read some old posts, and found this good old-fashioned style, prayer to focus my mind prior to the "journey" into the wilderness that is the Internet. Prayer before logging onto the internet: by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf LISTEN Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen **************£ Also --- Pentecost . Baron on Pentecost   I listen  and pray  for  grace to be able  to  carry  the message  into my life, my vocation .  I'm ... well....  *€*€£*&*¥** Quote ...