Jesus' Farewell Discourse - What's That?

John 14-17, HERE   😐 This  part  of  the  Gospel  is referred  to  as farewell  discourse  at times .  Jesus  speaking  in Jerusalem  just  before  his  passion .  I sometimes  dive into a  deeper  level .  This  particular  case, I
 need  to  study  slowly  and  with input  from  scholarly  sources especially  Saint  Thomas  Aquinas. I found  this  great  source
   HERE: John 14 (translated by
Fabian R. Larcher, O.P.) includes : "there is a troubled state which arises from reason; this is to be praised and is not forbidden: "For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation" . Yet there is a different grief or troubled state of the reason itself; this is not laudable because it draws the reason from its proper course; this is forbidden:..."

I am able  to  make  the distinction  between  godly  grief  and "troubled state  of the  reason  " ,  I've  been  limited  in properly  reactions  though. There are many  different  ways  to  distract  myself  to  avoid the Spirit  of God  speaking .

The Gospel  of  John  is a book  to study  over a lifetime .  I think  that  his focus  on  the  divine  person  of  Christ, the mystery  of  the  Trinity, plus  the  extensive  details  of  the teaching  of Jesus  linked to  the Prophets and messianic  texts. ... There's  a  lot  to unpack  and organize  before  I  truly  understand even a short  section .

Intervarsity  Press, (bible  gateway) has made  available   . on John: to see Jesus' Revelations to Disciples, I found  this  easier  reading  than Aquinas, in  a Bible, chapter  and verses format.

  Other authors focus primarily on  the practical application of Christ's words.
"The discourses in John's gospel address issues of living the life of faith in a context where there are any number of things that threaten faith. These discourses are not academic exercises or armchair ruminations on obscure topics. " - from Pastor Craig Koester

The Gospel  of  John  is  a  long and multilayer  book. Disputed in some  scholarly circles, but admired by most  for the focus  on  the  divine  person  of  Christ  and  the nature  of  our  lives  in relation  to  the Trinity .

***** 2 do*****
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