CRS Philippines. Awesome

Marty's great focus on living minimally
Tom willing  to  go with  me.
to give excess to God's work  is a definite benefit for me. I've been able to travel to Guatemala and now to Philippines.
Getting  ready  to  go  was more  stressful  than the flight there.

A week  of education  and  experience  has been  an  amazing  time .  I'm  pretty  much  overwhelmed  by  the  love  and  compassion  I saw  embodied  in CRS  projects.
I'm  grateful  as well, for  the  people  who  are  committed  to working  with  those who  are  struggling  in these  challenges. I was exhausted  but  extremely  blessed  to  be  able  to  see  the  groundbreaking  ceremony  for  the  Anibong resettlement project. 900 families  will  be  able  to  begin  anew away  from  the  daily threat of flooding  and seasonal  devestation  from storm surges.
I'm  home again very  grateful  for  my blessings .

***Quote for July
Pope Francis . 2017 prayer intentions
Lapsed Christians. That our brothers and sisters who have strayed from the faith, through our prayer and witness to the Gospel, may rediscover the merciful closeness of the Lord and the beauty of the Christian life.


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