
Showing posts from May, 2017

Alive in the Spirit: 6th Sunday of Easter

Alive in the Spirit: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Sixth Sunday of Easter .. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology . ""Jesus will not leave us alone. He won't make us children of God in Baptism only to leave us "orphans," He assures us in today's Gospel  (Romans 8:14-17) He asks the Father to give us His Spirit, to dwell with us and keep us united in the life He shares with the Father. We see the promised gift of His Spirit being conferred in today's First Reading. The scene from Acts apparently depicts a primitive Confirmation rite. Philip, one of the first deacons (Acts 6:5) , proclaims the Gospel in the non-Jewish city of Samaria. The Samaritans accept the Word of God   (Acts 17:11 ; 1 Thessalonians 2:13)   and are baptized. It remains for the Apostles to send their representatives, Peter and John, to pray and lay hands on the newly baptizedā€”that they might receive the Holy Spirit. This is the origin of ou...

Hurting Feet and 32 years of Blessings

FYI: Just a couple days a week posts will be a more doable goal I think. Sunday or Monday & 'mid-week,' Nevertheless,  here is a composite post. re: Tiredness & some more about my history. So, I DO KNOW when to quit working. I decide, remind myself to care for my health, then 10 minutes (OK 30) later, I'm still standing here on hurting feet, squinting now (took glasses off when I told myself to stop earlier). Y, I walked away & took a break, lay down for a 15 minute rest that turned into an hour and a half nap. Tom does Not approve of Camera.  I feel so much better after a rest, yet I am still upset somehow that I need it. (It is Extra isn't it? to Nap is to be weak maybe?)  It's been, .. UM let's see, 1985, that would be.... 32!  32 years I've been 'only' tired.  Before they removed the tumour, I got to be tired with nausea and dizzy spells and seizures and mood swings. (OK so maybe the mood swings didn't entirely go away, ...

Xestospongia muta, Gazuntite?

I asked, and the answer was... Xestospongia muta Wow There is a lot of information about this very common, and huge (Barrel sized) Sponge. They are very complex, colonies of creatures a very important part of the oceanic ecosystem. BUT. with only a small amount of research. I found a couple points to ponder.. A: Microbial biomass & phylogenetic complexity = That is to say; They are hosts to a large number of "gut bugs" comparable to cattle (MOO) and intestinal (Good Bugs!) ) The studies found Actinobacteria, which has "implications for natural products and drug discovery" due to them being secondary +metabolite producers B: Metabolites can be used in industrial microbiology to obtain amino acids, develop vaccines and antibiotics, and isolate chemicals necessary for organic synthesis. OOOH LUV LIVING in ERA of Promotion? of Better Living With Chemicals .... - SO, I can see that growing the bacteria will be easier if they occur naturally...

May Garden, Days of Prayer

May is such a full month. Mary's Month, May Day with Flowers, May Day with Protest Marches, National Day of Prayer, parades, "mayday parade music" Mayday Parades (Traditional)....LOL...... May Day OLD Days?- (Proto-? Reimagined I believe) I've created May Pole Dance with little ones before I was confronted by people about it'd pagan "fertility" roots that many objected to..... I'm still not convinced of it's evil BTW. The above link goes to a May Day Songs site I've found useful for my own amusement. Very much a fantastical collection of both historical and imagined connections to proto-european traditions (both well documented and 'rediscovered' in the current century). I find it a good jumping off point for my imaginations and writing. Catholic May Traditional is very diverse as well.  Link is to a list of Daily Dedications for the Month - Found that today is Jesus  Christus, Deus homo (Jesus Christ, God man.). Mayday Parad...

May Writing - GARDEN Note

Garden Notes: Dear Reader? I am daydreaming about a "retreat garden" to able to go to. I am likely fussing way too much and it is likely a fools journey.  But we move forward slowly anyway. NAMES:  My last name is FYRI now, a Norwegian word and root of our family name FYHRIE. In Norwegian a lighthouse is simply a fyr (fire) or a fyrtĆ„rn (fire tower). My Aunt wrote in a story about our geneology, that Fyhri was the Trees,  The Land and the People. In my inept research I find that Fyhrie is anglicised, (ENGLISH) version, and I had found Fyri used for "tree" in a couple places. My memory tells me Aunt Irene explained:  Fyr is Fire  Trees were Fyri  People were Fyhri Home was FyriHagen I found Fyhri translated as "Stations" also, like for Emergency (Fire) Locations in a building.  Interested in this use, intrigued, so I've named my plot Fyhri Garden.   Prayer "Stations" Garden. Only "stops" for prayer cu...

Gray Sky, Bright & Stormy... Typical! & Beautiful.

NW Thunderstorms.  On the "Left Coast" the storms seem to curl up over our heads and stay awhile.  It does seem apocalyptic sometimes...  Hail and wind, clearing & sun, a shower with rainbow, then a wind to push you indoors before a real downpour. "Gully Washers" I seem to recall people telling me. I am glad to be in  a solid, well made building with support people around. I used to be terrified of windstorms (in Azores, there were hurricane force winds typical every winter - Lajes Do Pico, Portugal ) . Thunderstorms in Eastern Washington were hot & dry, exciting light shows with Daddy around to talk you through them. Although I never saw a lightning strike myself, they did hit near us I thought a couple times the thunder rumble felt like it began before the sky lit up.  (AH, but inside again, in a well build home. )  I'm very blessed. This short reminiscence is easier with the morning sun peaking through, Cloudy & gray skies,  wi...
Looking at yesternday, I need to look at the HTML coding before I publish. Did not intend the highlighting and font changes I got. kinda ugly there. .... SIGH.. Today. May third. Many emails I read, and my morning meditations are on the call of St Phiip, "James the lesser" and his Mother who stood at the foot of the cross with Mary.  I am guilty of listening only this AM to the stories and letting my mind wander. I was captivated for awhile with the music sung by the Community of Taize', Christe LUX Mundi ( Christ, light of the World . It is a melody that can get 'stuck' in my head. Listening to the Reading from John again, I realize that I was unable to create a coherent request in my prayer. As usual, I end up running a list of grievences through my head, I pause, and just say, help me with which ever is more important Lord. I llooked up an exorcism ( Exorcism - yes really) prayer the other day. I am and have been tormented with many distractions and ...

International Worker Day May 1st

I was reading my e-mail from Pray as You Go , " Today ( 1 May ) we celebrate the feast of St Jospeh the Worker. This feast celebrates Catholic teaching on the dignity of persons and human labour, with Joseph celebrated as the patron saint of workers. (and then they gave me a new thing to do!) ... Reflect on this International Workers' Day with Thinking Faith. Do you love what you do?" This seems simple, but .... I do NOT always love doing what I do, (Caregiving), BUT I DO always LOVE those whom I am caring for. (although that may be hard to see sometimes)  Mr Moose & Myself I am caring & loving myself, becoming stronger & taking 'respite' time ....  Smiles! more Smiles! OOPS on the font & alignment here.... ":=_) My Man Marty A Darling Couple & Caring Kiddo's And .... well now it is time for playing BRIDGE!  Love playing cards online with an old friend. Can manage TV / Video playback needed at same time ...

5.0 Solitude, Attitude

I have an idea or two. Perhaps I will write randomly regarding. Daily Posts scheduling? Nowthen, ... BUT this is post one of my May writing exercise(Zero I suppose.)  Now,  I've learned some of the functions of this editor again, Lost & found pictures, added a schedule, we shall see.   "There are souls who seek solitude merely in order to find themselves, there are others who seek it so they may give themselves"  - Augustin Guillerand Ive desired solitude many times, just to recuperate I thought, but I find now I wish to just sit & pray. Sonetimes I find being alone on a walk in trees is calming and most of the time I can keep the calm with me for awhile, making what I must return to not such burden. Thank you God, AND King County, for Salmon Creek Ravine Park.
Alzheimers or just cognitive problems.?   It is hard for a person with a slow cognitive action to know when to ask for help. (A five minute writing exercise, random topics) #1 Fuzzy thinking can come on suddenly for many of us (ME), especially when not feeling well or overwhelmed. Tired, tipsy, distracted, "on a depressive cycle", immature attitude (that never totally goes away for many), many events or personal attitudes can interfere with decision making and communications. I've seen over this past year as we have lived in a senior residence, that moods are catching, and can be easily amplified by poor reaction times, or  ignoring the problem especially when the staff are avoiding issue.  Perceptions based on personal history, and memories of emotional events persist much longer than I had previously believed. I have observed that some individuals consistently choose to take an angry or annoyed approach to all minor inconveniences, rewarded by reaction times ...