5.0 Solitude, Attitude

I have an idea or two. Perhaps I will write randomly regarding. Daily Posts scheduling? Nowthen, ...

BUT this is post one of my May writing exercise(Zero I suppose.) 

Now,  I've learned some of the functions of this editor again, Lost & found pictures, added a schedule, we shall see.  

"There are souls who seek solitude merely in order to find themselves, there are others who seek it so they may give themselves"  - Augustin Guillerand

Ive desired solitude many times, just to recuperate I thought, but I find now I wish to just sit & pray. Sonetimes I find being alone on a walk in trees is calming and most of the time I can keep the calm with me for awhile, making what I must return to not such burden.

Thank you God, AND King County, for Salmon Creek Ravine Park.


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