May Garden, Days of Prayer

May is such a full month. Mary's Month, May Day with Flowers, May Day with Protest Marches, National Day of Prayer, parades, "mayday parade music" Mayday Parades (Traditional)....LOL......

May Day OLD Days?- (Proto-? Reimagined I believe) I've created May Pole Dance with little ones before I was confronted by people about it'd pagan "fertility" roots that many objected to..... I'm still not convinced of it's evil BTW. The above link goes to a May Day Songs site I've found useful for my own amusement. Very much a fantastical collection of both historical and imagined connections to proto-european traditions (both well documented and 'rediscovered' in the current century). I find it a good jumping off point for my imaginations and writing.

Catholic May Traditional is very diverse as well.  Link is to a list of Daily Dedications for the Month - Found that today is Jesus  Christus, Deus homo (Jesus Christ, God man.).

Mayday Parade (A GROUP would you believe? ) This old woman had never heard of them.
"Ill borrow words from my favorite paragraphs" - That drew my attention, since I am working on writing more. Followed by a repeated round of;  "Ill be OK, Is That what you want me to say? Cause it's broken, ... "
"I thought we could sit around for hours talking about...." was the bookends to the piece. Overall, good. I very much liked the rhythm. - The Last Something That Meant Anything, but as usual, had trouble parsing lyrics.

The Day sometimes moves so quickly............
Tonight is BRIDGE ! Tomorrow Breakfast / Brunch with a friend AND Caregivers group!

I carry my H2O bottle on a lanyard I aquired a couple (3?) years ago.... LOL... BURIEN BITES!

Not much of a Garden at Fyhrie Garden yet, but, well, it is a nice place for retreating for me. :-)

**QUOTE: **

"Jesus Christus, Deus homo" Jesus Christ, God man. This is one of the ‘mighty works of God,' which we should reflect upon and thank him for. He has come to bring ‘peace on earth to men of good will,' to all who want to unite their wills to the holy will of God -- not just the rich, not just the poor, but everyone: all the brethren. We are all brothers in Jesus, children of God, brothers of Christ. His mother is our mother ."
--Saint Josemaría Escrivá in Christ Is Passing By Princeton, N. J.: Scepter Publications, 1968/1973


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