International Worker Day May 1st

I was reading my e-mail from Pray as You Go ,
"Today (1 May) we celebrate the feast of St Jospeh the Worker. This feast celebrates Catholic teaching on the dignity of persons and human labour, with Joseph celebrated as the patron saint of workers. (and then they gave me a new thing to do!) ...
Reflect on this International Workers' Day with Thinking Faith. Do you love what you do?"

This seems simple, but .... I do NOT always love doing what I do, (Caregiving), BUT I DO always LOVE those whom I am caring for. (although that may be hard to see sometimes) 
Mr Moose & Myself

I am caring & loving myself, becoming stronger & taking 'respite' time ....

 Smiles! more Smiles! OOPS on the font & alignment here.... ":=_)

My Man Marty

A Darling Couple & Caring Kiddo's

And .... well now it is time for playing BRIDGE! 

Love playing cards online with an old friend. Can manage TV / Video playback needed at same time & relaxes a bit. Gotta Love MONDAY NIGHT! 

END of the PAGE & Tired out too.... 


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