Gray Sky, Bright & Stormy... Typical! & Beautiful.

NW Thunderstorms.
 On the "Left Coast" the storms seem to curl up over our heads and stay awhile.  It does seem apocalyptic sometimes...

 Hail and wind, clearing & sun, a shower with rainbow, then a wind to push you indoors before a real downpour. "Gully Washers" I seem to recall people telling me. I am glad to be in  a solid, well made building with support people around. I used to be terrified of windstorms
(in Azores, there were hurricane force winds typical every winter - Lajes Do Pico, Portugal) .
Thunderstorms in Eastern Washington were hot & dry, exciting light shows with Daddy around to talk you through them. Although I never saw a lightning strike myself, they did hit near us I thought a couple times the thunder rumble felt like it began before the sky lit up.
 (AH, but inside again, in a well build home. )  I'm very blessed.
This short reminiscence is easier with the morning sun peaking through, Cloudy & gray skies,  with an occasional peak at the sun & pale blue, adding up to a pleasant forecast for NW.

I am again reminded to pause, to pray, much of my reaction to things is bound up, deeply rooted in my childhood "significant emotional events" as well as my "place" given in the family dynamics.

Praise GOD, I am here and Loving HIM, Growing more every day and learning to LOVE & GIVE my talents for his Greater GOOD.

** Quote**  

" To say that the face of God is perpetually concealed expresses a truth. But the metaphor may be completed by insisting that the sound of his breathing can still be heard in the darkness that sometimes hides Him." 

- Fr. Donald Haggerty "Contemplative Provocations" P32.


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