Alive in the Spirit: 6th Sunday of Easter

Alive in the Spirit: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Sixth Sunday of Easter .. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology .

""Jesus will not leave us alone. He won't make us children of God in Baptism only to leave us "orphans," He assures us in today's Gospel 

He asks the Father to give us His Spirit, to dwell with us and keep us united in the life He shares with the Father.

We see the promised gift of His Spirit being conferred in today's First Reading.

The scene from Acts apparently depicts a primitive Confirmation rite. Philip, one of the first deacons (Acts 6:5), proclaims the Gospel in the non-Jewish city of Samaria. The Samaritans accept the Word of God  
and are baptized.

It remains for the Apostles to send their representatives, Peter and John, to pray and lay hands on the newly baptized—that they might receive the Holy Spirit. This is the origin of our sacrament of Confirmation ( Acts 19:5-6), by which the grace of Baptism is completed and believers are sealed with the Spirit promised by the Lord.""

I've listened to Dr. Hahn reading Sunday reflections most weeks for about a year now . It helps me. Praying thoughtfully over the readings ahead of time makes me feel better prepared for the Sunday Sacrament. Plus I can listen more than once so I'll really hear the entire thing.

The progression of Sacraments,makes me think of both my and other's I have witnessed. The Grace conferred is evident, but keeping 'in touch' with it is a struggle, I must work daily to re-connect with the gift I carry.   This Sunday's reading especially, got me to think that it is very helpful to see that  God is continually working with me in progressive​ steps. I'm not hopeless, or lost, (or any other of the terrible things I tell myself daily) I am a holy vessel, a planting pot, just still composting, becoming fertile ground for the Spirit to work in. 

Distracted thoughts ..(😈cat helping too)... Living in an​ apartment residence building...

Currently there is a constant reminder that I am needing strengthened . Not getting much good sleep. Partner up late, 🐈 Tomcat is hungry at Dawn, Door SLAMMED @ 5AM, 7AM, 9PM, 11PM = Shift changes​? , Routine 'stuff' now, rolling over to wait until alarm cat in morning. Reassure P if he is concerned about someone breaking in or knocking. Routine but, not restful. Weekend can be difficult, Not same routine NOR staff. But, thankfully, only FELT (building shakes) occasionally.

“What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. … That is what love looks like.”– Saint Augustine


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