Alzheimers or just cognitive problems.?  

It is hard for a person with a slow cognitive action to know when to ask for help.
(A five minute writing exercise, random topics) #1
Profile of person artistic outline tree as brains.

Fuzzy thinking can come on suddenly for many of us (ME), especially when not feeling well or overwhelmed. Tired, tipsy, distracted, "on a depressive cycle", immature attitude (that never totally goes away for many), many events or personal attitudes can interfere with decision making and communications.

I've seen over this past year as we have lived in a senior residence, that moods are catching, and can be easily amplified by poor reaction times, or  ignoring the problem especially when the staff are avoiding issue.  Perceptions based on personal history, and memories of emotional events persist much longer than I had previously believed.
I have observed that some individuals consistently choose to take an angry or annoyed approach to all minor inconveniences, rewarded by reaction times improving of waiters and other service people most likely I think. Quiet and polite does NOT get you a second cup sometimes. Living in community is a major challenge, and some days an enormous disappointment.
Living so independently like most American's most of my adult life, just immediate family and not close to neighbors, the 'trapped' without a place to go , is a recurring thought. Understandable perhaps since I am a companion, not a primary resident.

MAY DAY 2017 = This is my first "random topic" post, this is a writing exercise for myself and am hoping that you enjoy the prose, although I do tend to ramble.

"When one desires nothing, one will have all one needs" - St. Bernadette


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