31 - Vigil of All Saints & Day of the Dead

Daylight '''Savings"" anyone? Daylight Saving Time ends in Seattle, WA, USA on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 02:00 AM A UTube video for your edification. You can take it! SIX MINUTES OF EDUMA-CATION! on Daylight Savings Time! Try it! Do it! Only 6 minutes of time! Mostly funny and simple to understand too! Come on?!... Try it!*** SO THE "REAL" STUFF NOW? The Solemnity of All Saints is tonight... You know it better as All Hallows or Hallowmas Halloween! . Have FUN & brush your teeth Carefully & Completely! Learn More All Saints' Day All Souls' Day Day of the Dead Novena to St. Martin de Porres (October 25 - November 2) Saint Martin de Porres, your concern and charity embraced not only your needy brethren, but also the animals of the field. You are a splendid example of charity; we thank and praise you. From above, hear th...