
TROLLS again? 
Must be serious research, it is in Forbes!?

Roger Dooley says: "Conventional wisdom says that the anonymity of the Internet lets people behave in ways they never would in real life, or online if their identity was known. But, if you think that means that trolls are normally nice people who only act out in their online persona, think again. New research shows that internet trolls are, in real life, narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists........... Since trolls actually derive pleasure from the suffering of others, engaging with them at all can be counter-productive. Instead, follow the simple maxim of experienced community leaders: “Don’t feed the trolls.”

Interesting to know yes? 

St. Denis [Dionysius], Rusticus, and Eleutherius, Martyrs-------October 9

In the ninth century, Denis' story and identity became fused and confused with Dionysius the Areopagite and Pseudo-Dionysius, but later scholarship has re-established his identity as a separate saint

Again we have the case of a saint about whom almost nothing is known, yet one whose cult has been a vigorous part of the Church's history for centuries. 

Denis is pictured as he was martyred -- headless (with a vine growing over the neck) and carrying his own mitred head.

Patron of France; Paris; against frenzy, strife, headaches, hydrophobia, possessed people, rabies


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