29th Narcissus

My Apologies to anyone who has been following this blog. Perhaps the next few weeks will improve.

St. Narcissus-------October 29 (99 to 215)        
I do not know why he is the Patron Saint against insect bites

He is well celebrated for miracles he performed.The bishop and historian Eusebius recorded the following miracle. One year, the Evening before Easter, there was no oil for the lamps Narcissus had some water brought, and after he prayed over it, they poured it into the lamps. The water was immediately converted into oil. Some of the oil had been kept preserved as a memorial until the time when Eusebius wrote his histories.

As he reached extreme old age, he made St. Alexander his coadjutor.St. Alexander wrote that Narcissus was about one hundred and sixteen years old when he began assisting him in the office.

Novena to St. Martin de Porres    (October 25 - November 2)    For 9 days in a row, say:

Saint Martin de Porres, your concern and charity embraced not only your needy brethren, but also the animals of the field. You are a splendid example of charity; we thank and praise you. From above, hear the requests of your needy brethren.

(Mention your request here...)

By modeling our lives after yours, and imitating your virtues, may we live content knowing that God has looked favorably upon us. Because this is so, we can accept our burdens with strength and courage in order to follow in the footsteps of our Lord and the Blessed Mother.

May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven through the intercession of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


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