
OK... well I wrote a couple paragraphs and then deleted. them. ...

St. Damien of Molokai (1840-1889)

Saint Damien's role among the lepers in Hawaii has made him an unofficial patron of those with HIV and AIDS. The Roman Catholic memorial chapel, ÉGLISE SAINT-PIERRE-APÔTRE in Montreal, Quebec, is consecrated to him. The link is to a podcast of a tour of the church.

On February 21, 2009, the Vatican announced that Father Damien would be canonized. The ceremony took place in Rome on October 11, 2009, in the presence of King Albert II of the Belgians and Queen Paola as well as the Belgian Prime Minister and several cabinet ministers, completing the process of canonization.
"Not without fear and loathing," Pope Benedict underlined, "Father Damian made the choice to go on the island of Molokai in the service of lepers who were there, abandoned by all. So he exposed himself to the disease of which they suffered. With them he felt at home. The servant of the Word became a suffering servant, leper with the lepers, during the last four years of his life."

He continued, "To follow Christ, Father Damian not only left his homeland, but has also staked his health so he, as the word of Jesus announced in today's Gospel tells us, received eternal life."

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The figure of Father Damian, Benedict XVI added, "teaches us to choose the good fight not those that lead to division, but those that gather us together in unity."


  1. I love Fr. Damian's story. The movie is great too.


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