Day 2 - Spider!

Day #2 Ramble

I can typically handle ugly bugs by myself, but before my coffee kicks in, well, I prefer not.

Husbands are useful for killing ugly spiders who want to share the shower with you in the morning. Marty got him and flushed down toilet even though he was sad to do so. Marty would prefer to let them live where they want to. Spiders and dandelions are both beloved and encouraged.

I am wondering if...then what may happen?...DISASTER likely!

I am away from home less than 20 hours a week, I keep telling myself I should get away more. Many details why, ...., health mostly, both mental and physical.

I imagine though... he will tell other's that he doesn't need help, (he may not, he can do much for himself, he just prefers me to do for him) but....sometimes he get's 'stuck' and tangled, or falls, or forgets he's cooking...He may not eat much or Healthfully. ... what? he doesn't eat much or correctly for me sometimes...but...on the other hand, I want him to stay healthy, I want him to be happy and not concerned about either of us. ....and I want the same for me. healthy and not worried.

****story time****

Marty told me a story about when he was young on a farm in Ferndale, Washington. His Dad rented land on the Lummi Reservation, had cows he milked by hand, and they grew hay & sileage crops too. I remember he said they had the hay bailed out in the field then he lifted them to be loaded onto the truck by his sister Josie. Occasionally, he remembers that he did not get his bale hooks out soon enough, and Josie would lift him off of the ground! She was some strong little sister!

I read about the tiny-house and minimalistic living on the web, and that starts me romanticizing a bit about how nice it would be sometimes to live "off the grid"

All I need to do is listen to my husband about how they did not have electricity until he was in his twenties, and that the first 'job' he had was making sure the kindling box was full in the kitchen when he was a toddler. The reality of how difficult it was makes me glad I am not likely to have to 'rough it' any time soon.


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