22nd , St. Mary Salome
I have been praying more, busy today for awhile with a bit of detail work. The day had faded away quickly.
Cornerstone Catholic Conference is this weekend. At the last minute I chose to go and found someone to share a room with! I am looking forward to the Friday night speaker who was a survivor of the genocide in Rawanda. Imaculee Ilibagiza is sharing her story.
I have spent the last while reading about Saints, and Intentional Communities in the Pacific Northwest. I find myself drawn the the idealism and built in support system that a well developed community would offer. Evergreen Land Trust is one.
What do you think?
First - ** Saint of Day**
-------October 22 from Catholic Fire Blog - Saint of the Day: St. Mary Salome
Wife of Zebedee. Mother of Saint John the Apostle, and Saint James the Greater.
Salome is based on an Aramaic word meaning health and peace in the same way that the Jewish greeting "Shalom" and the Arab "Salaam," It seems to be perfect way to name a mother.
She is named as one of the women who followed Jesus and served him (Mark 15:41), present at His Crucifixion (Matt. 27:56; Mark 15:40), additionally one of those who arrived at the garden on Easter morning (Mark 16:1ff)
In art, Mary Salome is shown with her two sainted children (James and John) many times together with both Mary Cleophas and the Virgin at the Crucifixion. They both have been depicted as present with Mary Magdalene at the Resurrection.
Cornerstone Catholic Conference is this weekend. At the last minute I chose to go and found someone to share a room with! I am looking forward to the Friday night speaker who was a survivor of the genocide in Rawanda. Imaculee Ilibagiza is sharing her story.
I have spent the last while reading about Saints, and Intentional Communities in the Pacific Northwest. I find myself drawn the the idealism and built in support system that a well developed community would offer. Evergreen Land Trust is one.
What do you think?
First - ** Saint of Day**
-------October 22 from Catholic Fire Blog - Saint of the Day: St. Mary Salome

Salome is based on an Aramaic word meaning health and peace in the same way that the Jewish greeting "Shalom" and the Arab "Salaam," It seems to be perfect way to name a mother.
She is named as one of the women who followed Jesus and served him (Mark 15:41), present at His Crucifixion (Matt. 27:56; Mark 15:40), additionally one of those who arrived at the garden on Easter morning (Mark 16:1ff)
In art, Mary Salome is shown with her two sainted children (James and John) many times together with both Mary Cleophas and the Virgin at the Crucifixion. They both have been depicted as present with Mary Magdalene at the Resurrection.
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