
Sunday is a busy day usually and today there is a Senior's Meeting as well as Brunch with friends.

I read my AARP magazine this PM, and found many hopeful and inspiring stories of people doing good things in their 2nd half of life.  I think I may be inspired to volunteer more, do more, and yet, there is a reality that I am limited in my abilitites, time, and treasure.

I will do more though, but perhaps not as much as I envision I would like. Even in dying one can become helpful to others. If the story of Fr. Rick is any indication.

Book resource: http://www.saintjosephradio.net/

Fr Rick Arkfeld _ UTUBE_LINK to listen to.....  Uploaded on Jul 30, 2011
Story by Fr. Rick Arkfeld (d.1996)

 Fr. Rick was diagnosed with cancer and was told he had six months to live. He suddenly was filled with the Holy Spirit and started preaching on accepting what life has in store. He wrote several books on miraculous healing, he lectured all over the world on the Holy Spirit. TEN YEARS LATER, Fr. Rick, died of a heart attack. No cancer was found on his autopsy. In those 10 years, Fr. Rick led thousands to Christ.

***St. Heribert***

St. Heribert of Cologne
Feastday: October 12    Patron of Rain    Birth: 970     Death: 1021

The page linked to says March 16th, I am not sure why different calendars have different days.
I perhaps think there is more than one Heribert? Never-the-less- here it is.

Heribert was an administrator for a king, and involved in politics. This is not a likely profession for a saint, but he managed to be honored for his piety and generous works.

Heribert gave to the poor, sent money to priests throughout his diocese to help the destitute, and even went to hospitals and private homes to help the poor and the sick. During a great drought in the city, he led a procession through the streets of the city to the church of St. Severinus, and when he rose from his knees at the altar, a torrential rain came down and the year's harvest was saved. People in that part of Germany still pray to him for rain.


  1. There have been so many peoples' posts that I wanted to follow and read as I was able - why I didn't follow yours sooner is beyond my understanding! Thank you for sharing your Sunday "busy day" post...Sundays are always busy for me as well...church, choir, lunch with friends, relaxing, writing, reading - whatever brings the rest and relaxing that I need. When I don't do that enough, God usually has a way to slow me down - like a recent hospital stay...So, I hope your busy day allows you some relaxing as well on this beautiful Sunday!!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement. Hope you keep resting as much as you need to!


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