
Again, I had more fun reading about the saints of the day than I did thinking about or writing something to share with you all. 

Last two years in the spring I have gone to a Road Scholar Event in Oregon = Women Writing in Lincoln City near my sister.  One of the writing prompts I have played with a bit was "FALL From Grace" ..

My original notes in my computer look like this.
Fall from grace

Fall off porch – Grace House summer cottage
semi conscious / tired / recovering in house later solve mystery of the missing diary
Fall #1 childhood
Fall #2 adult – last year – handrail broken
Fall #3 adult – now – Gfriend pushed me when I told her what I read in the diary

***********Weird how I think like this in bullet points*********

The #2 fall part I visualized as a pratfall kind silly, OOPSIE! an old, beach front house with a saggy porch railing. I am fixing (or attempting to anyway), fall off of the porch into the sand/grass/garden area and knock the wind out of me (I did this spectacularly when I was about 10 years old, a very significant emotional event) ........
The story keeps going :::::I notice from my prone position, that one of the piers or concrete pilings the porch is restin on is ''bulgy'' in the middle. I crawl under the porch to look at this and find a metal door on a wall safe kind of thing. 

***prep time / telling others maybe?********

Opening it later...What would be in it? how rusty or moldy would they likely be?  (tools? history of safe from ? ERA?) I bump my head trying to sit up. (dumb, am UNDER a DECK) But as I stretch as best as I can and get feet behind me to crawl back out, my boots (hook eyes / wrap style) pull up an oil cloth scrap. I find a book wrapped in a silk cloth.

But then I leave off the writing and have imagined a number of scenarios. Different types of people, besides the weirdly interesting protagonist (ME!), friends & other people, historical eras. .....on & on...

AND I keep asking myself more questions. Science needs to come in here a bit, how long could a book be readable wrapped up like this? Under a beach house? For how long?  

So how insane does this sound? keep working on it?


St. Hedwig             Birth: 1174 Death: 1243
Links to Wiki information:
Feast 16 October (17 October until 1969)
Patronage of Andechs Abbey,Brandenburg, Berlin, Kraków,Poland, Silesia, its capital Wrocław, Trzebnica, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Görlitz,orphans

This woman was another of the wealthy, widowed mothers in older times who 'took the habit' of a sister in order to continue doing good works. Hedwig never took vows, but remained in the abby until her death.

St. Gerard Majella  
Born: April 6, 1726
Muro LucanoBasilicata,Kingdom of Naples  
Died: October 16, 1755 (aged 29)
MaterdominiCampagna, Kingdom of Naples 

Patron saint for: Children (and unborn children in particular); childbirth; mothers (and expectant mothers in particular); motherhood; falsely accused people; good confessions; lay brothers; and Muro Lucano, Italy.

He was another lay person. An Italian lay brother of the Congregation of the Redeemer, better known as the Redemptorists,

I like his "LAST WILL". St. Gerard Majella wrote this note and had it put on the door of his cell. 
"Here the will of God is done, as God wills, and as long as God wills."


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