I have a couple tired, difficult days and neglected several things, including this Blog...SO....today am posting a list of the saints I 'missed' and taking 5 minutes to find out about St. Irene. (ok probably more like 45 minutes).

I chose Irene partly because of my Aunt Irene. I lived with her for awhile after I left my parents house.  She and I had pleasant, quiet talks over dinner and discussed many things. I especially recall her talking about her devotion to family and the necessity of praying everyday for the ability to do whatever would be needed to care for them to the best of her ability.
Peace, & Hugs 2 U....

****Saints ***

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-------October 17
St. Luke, Evangelist-------October 18
St. Peter of Alcantara-------October 19
St. John Cantius-------October 20

St. Irene-------October 20     >>>> The first place I read about St. Irene is an interesting site. >>>>

I copied the below , and only looked briefly at the source account at:  http://www.stirene.org/miracles-of-st-irene.html.     

“St. Irene unfazed in prayer despite being on fire”

One night as St. Irene was pryaing with her hands lifted up towards heaven, the demons came into her cell and began to scream in a terrifying voice. They spoke in an unfit manner and tried to distract our holy mother from prayer. They, however, were unable to faze the Saint. Nevertheless, the demons continued to taunt Irene and mimicked her by saying, “Wooden Irene, wooden feet hold you up. For how long will you torture our race, how long will you burn us with your prayers and how long will you hurt and make us sad?” Our venerable mother remained unfazed. This audacious demon then lit a candle from the votive lamp and continued to light the mantle and veil of the saint herself on fire. The flames reached down to the ground and burned not only the saint’s clothing, but deep into the skin on her shoulders, chest, and back. Her entire body would have surely burned had it not been for one of the sisters who rushed it to put the fire out after smelling it from her own cell down the hall. Unbelievably, the saint continued to stand unfazed by the whole event. Irene stood tall, hands still in the air and praying to our Lord above. “My child”, Irene said to the frightened nun, “why did you do such a bad thing and interrupt the good that was taking place? We shouldn’t think about the human things, but rather about the divine. An angel was standing in front of me weaving a wreath of various marvellous and fragrant flowers and as he stretched out his hand to place this wreath on my head, you came in. You thought that you were committing a praiseworthy act but instead committed a most unpraiseworthy act. The angel saw you and left. You brought to me sorrow and I lost a great opportunity.” The sister began to cry as she began to gather up the fragments of our venerable mother’s habit. They were partly burned and stuck to her flesh. A glorious fragrance then came forth from her. This fragrance was sweeter smelling and more powerful than all the costly perfumes that could be purchased. This aroma filled the monastery for many days and the nuns glorified thy God for this was a true miracle.”


  1. Hy, first, I want to thank you for stopping-by on my blog and comment. It helep me very much, especially I was not feeling weel! Second, I'm glad that I find your blog and this post! My mom name is Irina, wich comes from Irene. I've lerned intresting facts reading your post! Hope that better days will come for all of us!


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